Our first morning, fueled by nothing more then bottled water, jet lag worked in our favor and we made it into the Forbidden City before the crowds. Our hotel was a few blocks away. The dawn walk was a perfect introduction to Beijing. New cars lined the road along with bicycle rickshaws. A Subway restaurant was next door to family resturant (more on that later) and a mom and pop shop. The sidewalks were freshly paved, but shirtless men slept there using steps as their pillows. And even at 6am, sparks rained down on us from construction going on above our heads. Old men were fishing in the canal surrounding the Forbidden City while pollution tried to choke out the sunshine.
After a wonderful morning exploring the ancient Palace we were ready for some food. It was still early so we weren't sure what we could find to eat, and what we wanted to eat. As we wandered back though the neighborhood alleys (hutongs) on our way back to the hotel I began to see piles of gray, clay crocks lining window sills and tables outside small shops.
I was so taken with the Chinese people. Here are a couple of silly tourists, with a vocabulary limitied to "Hello" and "Thank-you" (okay, and "Beer") and instead of rolling their eyes at us they made real attempts at communicating with us. Nearly everyone we met, offered a smile or assistance if needed. Waitresses kindly followed us around from table to table while we pointed at other people's food. Bus drivers ushered off at the right stop. Food carts let us photograph them, and insisted we taste all sorts of delicious things.
I think about how I would feel if two (or 100s) of tourists came wandering through my neighborhood wielding cameras and were unable to communicate, or even read a sign. I would most likely throw up my arms in frustration and slam my door shut. Instead the people we met, smiled back, waved back, and let us pet their dogs. The real joy was when we got a baby to smile at us. Then the entire family's face would open up and we could all smile and gesture together in a dance of universal communication. And that, to me, is the best part of traveling.
Feeling Yogurty?
Frozen Yogurt
I do hope you get to a dumpling shop for breakfast as well. My other favorite was fried rice.