Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 28: Portland Parks

I am so thankful for all of the wonderful outdoor space we have within our city. Portland has amazing parks. Before Levi I enjoyed the parks for their picnic spaces, tennis courts and long hiking trails. With Levi we have been introduced to all the wonderful playgrounds and open spaces the parks have to offer.

What are you thankful for today.


  1. It actually took me a second before I remembered that you're talking about Portland, OREGON. The open spaces here in the other Portland are pretty great as well. I don't pay as much attention to the playgrounds, but many are dog friendly. The 3.5 mile loop around a cove overlooking the ocean is probably my favorite, especially for running.

  2. I totally forgot about the dog parks too! They are great as well. Sounds like the other Portland :) is just as fabulous!
