Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2: Good Coffee

I have discussed my love of coffee here often, so this is probably no surprise.

One of my favorite adventures was roasting fresh coffee beans over a fire in Nicaragua. My friends and I happened upon a small village which a Peace Corp volunteer was working to create a tourist industry based on the local coffee plantation. After a day on horseback, exploring and swimming in a waterfall and learning about shade grown coffee, we had the chance to roast our own coffee.

The little old lady (really! She was tiny!) started a blazing fire in the cook stove in her kitchen. Then we took turns stirring and tossing the beans. They slowly began to change from a light green to a dark, fragrant brown.

I toted that pound of coffee though another few weeks of travel and then home. When I finally got to grind and brew it, I will admit, it wasn't the best cup of coffee. But, I cherished those mugs of coffee because of the memories they held.

Although I love a good esspresso, latte, or cappuccino I would rather have a mug of brewed Stumptown or Portland roasting with a dash of cream.

I suppose this makes me a bit of a cliche. A Northwestern loving coffee.

Oh well.
Long live coffee!

What are you thankful for? Do you have a passion for coffee too?

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